Brinjal Chutney for Biriyani

Small sized Brinjals- 1/4 kg approx
Tomatoes- 2 -(Dice them into small pieces)
Pepper -5/6
Roasted peanut and Sesame seeds Powder – 4 tsp approx
Cumin seed powder – 1/2 tsp
Tamarind – a small ball
Salt -pinch/according to taste
Curry leaves -few
Chili powder

Heat the kadai with oil(a larger amount than used for normal frying).Once hot, add pepper whole ones after that add curry leaves, brinjals and tomatoes and saute them.Close the kadai with a lid for around 5 mins until the ingredients get cooked.After that add chill powder, roasted peanut powder, tamarind extract,salt.After that, add water as per requirement. Allow it to boil until everything gets cooked and the dish gets a gravy consistency.

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